Monday, February 9, 2015

Note: This post inspired by Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess

Teach Like a Pirate Pearls Here! 

I don’t think teachers need to be taught to teach like a Pirate. They just need to be reminded. After all, what teacher ever got into the business not expecting adventure on the high seas of learnin’, right? So I’m thinking we’re all Pirates at heart!

I remember long ago, when I sailed into my first teaching job. I evinced this unstoppable bravado: nobody was going to commandeer my ship! The world (read classroom) was my oyster. I could do it all, I had the best, most novel ideas, and no bells or classroom walls were going to hold me back. I was shivering with the thrill of conquest.

Thirty years later, well… not as much. After all, even Pirates need a rest now and then. Even Pirates have some responsibilities to tend: a family to nurture, distractions by other passing ships, and sometimes even a misplaced treasure map!

But once a Pirate, always a Pirate. And I believe there are three things that can breathe life back into an old Pirate’s soul. Or galvanize a young Pirate.

The first is bumping into another Pirate. You know, like when you meet that teacher at a conference that you really click with. Like, you ask yourself, what would it be like to teach with her?! You can feel that thrill of possibility.

Another reminder of the Pirate lifestyle is what happens from time to time with your students—even if you don’t mean it to. Your lesson on scientific method, for instance, takes a quick tack when a student asks a question… A second student suggests the class should study inventors too. A third yells out they should all be wax museum characters and enact some vignette as a famous scientist.

And you can feel it right there: This could be a great learning adventure! The kids are really hyped about this one. A great time to invite the principal in… maybe the parents!

The third reminder to wake up your inner Pirate is when you actually uncover a treasure map. And that’s just the feeling I had when I found Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess. By combing through TLAP, I have found a treasure trove of shining pearls that remind me of what Pirating is about. That bring back memories of former conquests… and invoke visions of new ones.

Reading through TLAP was like visiting my old Pirate days. I remembered many of my early journeys, conquests, and treasures. And as I tacked back and forth through the pages, I began to realize I was sailing right by many gleaming pearls of wisdom. So I doubled back to pry each one out with my sword (read highlighter).

I think you will find some good gleam in these pearls I’ve plucked from the TLAP Pirate map. I’ve strung up some 20 below, more or less in their original state. See what you think.

If you care to “polish ‘em up” a little differently, or want to add others, please leave your own pearls below!

Pirate Pearls Below
(From Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess) 

#TLAP Belief 1: Education is a life-altering product to transform the human spirit and change the world one student at a time 

#TLAP Belief 2: The Pirate-teacher’s aim is to be engaging, entertaining, build rapport with and collaboration among students 

#TLAP Belief 3: Pirate-teachers can access a wellspring of creative inspiration if they actively and consistently attempt to create 

#TLAP Belief 4: Educating the next generation is worth time and effort. Our students deserve to be uplifted and inspired 

#TLAP Belief 5: Your teaching thoughts are magical and, with commitment and participation, have the power to manifest your dreams 

#TLAP Belief 6: ‘Safe” lessons are a recipe for mediocrity at best 

#TLAP Belief 7: Provide an uncommon experience for your students and they will reward you with uncommon effort and attitude 

#TLAP Belief 8: Pirate-teachers must resolve to close the Gap between their personal educational vision and the present realities of their classroom 

#TLAP Belief 9: The Pirate-teacher must create a mental paradigm shift to re-frame the value and relevancy of content to students’ lives 

#TLAP Belief 10: Education is a life-altering product to transform human spirit and change the world-- one student at a time 

#TLAP Belief 11: Excellence for Pirate-teachers starts with having PASSION for what you do in life; driven home by ENTHUSIASM 

#TLAP Belief 12: Pirate-teacher’s secret-- Even if you don’t feel it, begin by ACTING enthusiastic. Soon you will BECOME enthusiastic! 

#TLAP Belief 13: The Pirate-teacher’s attitude is the single most powerful tool to influence his/her classroom 

#TLAP Belief 14: No content standard in any class at any level is more important than nurturing and building the student’s love for learning 

#TLAP Belief 15: The Pirate-teacher masters the art of gaining student engagement… also, once gained, the art of not losing it! 

#TLAP Belief 16: Pirate-teachers seek out a diverse and loyal crew when it supports personal agency and the pirate lifestyle 

#TLAP Belief 17: Pirates are also independent: they reckon their own treasure, find their own way, fight their own battles, and live the pirate code 

#TLAP Belief 18: When the Pirate map identifies treasure, the Pirate acts! 

#TLAP Belief 19: Embrace the Pirate mindset: survey your learning quarry, pull alongside the new conquest, grab the rope and swing over, meet your teaching destiny! 

#TLAP Belief 20: Pirate-teachers muster unquenchable enthusiasm for innovation and pursue it with power, confidence, and determination